mercredi 19 septembre 2018


 Saison 7, Episode 1


→ →Ned Stark's bastard has been named King in the North, and that murdering whore Sansa stands besides him.” Cersei Lannister

→ →You think I'm Joffrey !?
→ →- You're as far as Joffrey as anyone I ever met.
” Jon Snow & Sansa Stark

→ →You're good at this, you know.
→ →- At what ?
→ →- Ruling.
→ →- No..."
→ →- You are ! You ARE.
” Sansa Stark & Jon Snow

→ →Why are you laughing ?
→ →- What is it father used to say ? Everything before the word 'but' is horse shit.
” Sansa Stark & Jon Snow


→ →Father couldn't protect me, and neither can you. Stop trying.
→ →- Alright, I'll stop trying to protect you, and you'll stop undermining me.
→ →- I'm not trying to undermine you ! You have to be smarter than father, you need to be smarter than Robb. I loved them, I miss them, but they made stupid mistakes and they both lost their head for it.
→ →- And how should I be smarter ? By listening to you ?
→ →- Would that be so terrible ?
” Sansa Stark & Jon Snow

“They skirt around the true tension between them. All is subtext.” Script de l'épisode

→ →What about happy ? Why are you not happy ? What do you want that you do not have ?” Petyr Baelish


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