dimanche 2 septembre 2018

The Winds of Winter

 Saison 6, Episode 10

→ →I'm having the Lord's chambers prepared for you.
→ →- Mother's and father's room ? You should take it.
→ →- I'm not a Stark.
→ →- You are to me.
→ →- You're the Lady of Winterfell, you deserve it, we're standing here because of you. The battle was lost until the knights of the Vale came. They came for you.
” Sansa Stark & Jon Snow

→ →You told me Baelish sold you to the Boltons.
→ →- He did.
→ →- Only a fool would trust Littlefinger. I should have told you about him. About... the Knights of the Vale... I'm sorry.
→ →- We need to trust each other. We can't fight a war amongst ourselves, we have so many ennemies now...
” Sansa Stark & Jon Snow


→ →A raven came from the citadel. A white raven... Winter is here.
→ →- Well, father always promised, didn't he ?
” Sansa Stark & Jon Snow

→ →Who should the North rallies behind ? The trueborn daughter of Ned and Catelyn Stark, born here at Winterfell, or a motherless bastard born in the South ?” Petyr Baelish

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