→→ Deuxième partie de cette énorme analyse : dans la précédente partie (article), j'avais abordé les généralités venant des livres indiquant une romance à sens unique et exécutée dans un but pratique uniquement. A présent, en examinant l'arc de Cersei Lannister, on se rend compte qu'on peut y trouver de nouveaux indices sur la manipulation, et plus tard la trahison, de Jon Snow envers Daenerys Targaryen...
__ A la fin de son arc dans A Feast For Crows, Cersei est trahie par l'homme qu'elle avait nommée grand amiral, Aurane Waters, un bâtard qui a plutôt bien réussi ; tiens tiens tiens, une reine trahie par un bâtard...
__ → “They let Taena go.” That was the best thing she had heard since the High Sparrow had said no. Taena could have doomed her. “What of Lord Waters? His ships ... if he brings his crews ashore, he should have enough men to...” “As soon as word of Your Grace's present troubles reached the river, Lord Waters raised sail, unshipped his oars, and took his fleet to sea. Ser Harys fears he means to join Lord Stannis. Pycelle believes that he is sailing to the Stepstones, to set himself up as a pirate.” “All my lovely dromonds.” Cersei almost laughed. “My lord father used to say that bastards are treacherous by nature. Would that I had listened.” She shivered. “I am lost, Qyburn.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei X
__ A la fin de son arc dans A Feast For Crows, Cersei est trahie par l'homme qu'elle avait nommée grand amiral, Aurane Waters, un bâtard qui a plutôt bien réussi ; tiens tiens tiens, une reine trahie par un bâtard...
__ → “They let Taena go.” That was the best thing she had heard since the High Sparrow had said no. Taena could have doomed her. “What of Lord Waters? His ships ... if he brings his crews ashore, he should have enough men to...” “As soon as word of Your Grace's present troubles reached the river, Lord Waters raised sail, unshipped his oars, and took his fleet to sea. Ser Harys fears he means to join Lord Stannis. Pycelle believes that he is sailing to the Stepstones, to set himself up as a pirate.” “All my lovely dromonds.” Cersei almost laughed. “My lord father used to say that bastards are treacherous by nature. Would that I had listened.” She shivered. “I am lost, Qyburn.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei X
___ җ Aurane Waters sert à représenter Jon Snow
__ Cersei a à faire avec Aurane Waters, un bâtard... qui peut représenter Jon. Pour commencer, en voyant Aurane, Cersei pense à Rhaegar, le père biologique de Jon :
__ → The other cousin, Elinor, was sharing a cup of wine with the handsome young Bastard of Driftmark, Aurane Waters. It was not the first time the queen had made note of Waters, a lean young man with grey-green eyes and long silver-gold hair. The first time she had seen him, for half a heartbeat she had almost thought Rhaegar Targaryen had returned from the ashes. It is his hair, she told herself. He is not half as comely as Rhaegar was. His face is too narrow, and he has that cleft in his chin. A Feast for Crows, Cersei III
__ → Aurane Waters seemed as bored as Cersei by all this prattle about septons. Seen up close, his hair was more silvery than gold, and his eyes were grey-green where Prince Rhaegar's had been purple. Even so, the resemblance ... A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ → “Your Grace is kind,” said Waters with a smile. A wicked smile, the queen thought. Aurane did not resemble Prince Rhaegar as much as she had thought. He has the hair, but so do half the whores in Lys, if the tales are true. Rhaegar was a man. This is a sly boy, no more. Useful in his way, though. A Feast for Crows, Cersei VIII
__ Aurane ressemble donc à Rhaegar, mais n'est Rhaegar, et il est en plus un bâtard... Aurane sert donc de préfiguration à Jon. Il y a également des allusions à des événements importants dans l'arc de Jon, par exemple, la décapitation de Ned :
__ → “I would think so, my lord,” Aurane Waters said dryly. “I am told that removing the head from the body is often mortal.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ → “The other councillors stared at him uncertainly. “Do you refer to the Red Wedding ?” asked Aurane Waters. A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ Cersei a à faire avec Aurane Waters, un bâtard... qui peut représenter Jon. Pour commencer, en voyant Aurane, Cersei pense à Rhaegar, le père biologique de Jon :
__ → The other cousin, Elinor, was sharing a cup of wine with the handsome young Bastard of Driftmark, Aurane Waters. It was not the first time the queen had made note of Waters, a lean young man with grey-green eyes and long silver-gold hair. The first time she had seen him, for half a heartbeat she had almost thought Rhaegar Targaryen had returned from the ashes. It is his hair, she told herself. He is not half as comely as Rhaegar was. His face is too narrow, and he has that cleft in his chin. A Feast for Crows, Cersei III
__ → Aurane Waters seemed as bored as Cersei by all this prattle about septons. Seen up close, his hair was more silvery than gold, and his eyes were grey-green where Prince Rhaegar's had been purple. Even so, the resemblance ... A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ → “Your Grace is kind,” said Waters with a smile. A wicked smile, the queen thought. Aurane did not resemble Prince Rhaegar as much as she had thought. He has the hair, but so do half the whores in Lys, if the tales are true. Rhaegar was a man. This is a sly boy, no more. Useful in his way, though. A Feast for Crows, Cersei VIII
__ Aurane ressemble donc à Rhaegar, mais n'est Rhaegar, et il est en plus un bâtard... Aurane sert donc de préfiguration à Jon. Il y a également des allusions à des événements importants dans l'arc de Jon, par exemple, la décapitation de Ned :
__ → “I would think so, my lord,” Aurane Waters said dryly. “I am told that removing the head from the body is often mortal.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ → “The other councillors stared at him uncertainly. “Do you refer to the Red Wedding ?” asked Aurane Waters. A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ Pour cette dernière citation, pas besoin de m'étendre, les Noces Pourpres étaient vraiment les heures les plus sombres des Stark. On trouve aussi des allusion à la Garde de Nuit et à l'arc de Jon dans le livre suivant :
__ → “What would he pay them with ?” asked Merryweather. “Snow ? They are called the Golden Company. How much gold does Stannis have ?” “The Iron Bank will have its due when I say they will. Until such time, the Iron Bank will wait respectfully. Lord Waters, commence the building of your dromonds.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ La banque de fer prend une grande place dans l'arc de Jon dans A Dance With Dragons ; il est aussi intéressant qu'on propose de la neige "Snow" pour payer la Compagnie Dorée, surtout en regardant l'extrait suivant :
__ → “Gold ?” Are those the dragons the red woman means to wake ? Dragons made of gold ?” “Such taxes as we collect are paid in kind, Your Grace. The Watch is rich in turnips but poor in coin.” "Turnips are not like to appease Salladhor Saan. I require gold or silver.” A Dance with Dragons, Jon I
__ Dans les deux cas, on parle d'argent et de moyens de paiement. Snow fait allusion à Jon, et les navets (turnip) rappellent la Garde de Nuit :
__ → "Stannis will need another Hand,” observed Aurane Waters with a chuckle. “The turnip knight, perhaps ?” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ Aurane a aussi besoin d'hommes pour son navire, et dit ceci :
__ → “Our new dromonds will need oarsmen,” said Aurane Waters. “Let us instruct the lords to send their poachers and thieves to me henceforth, instead of to the Wall.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ Aurane devient donc le commandant d'une armée composée de voleurs et de braconniers, volant ces hommes à Jon puisqu'ils étaient censés rejoindre la Garde de Nuit. Aurane est également très centré sur la stratégie militaire, comme l'est Jon avec la défense du Mur :
__ → “Might we discuss the fleet ?” asked Aurane Waters. “Fewer than a dozen of our ships survived the inferno on the Blackwater. We must needs restore our strength at sea.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ → “What would he pay them with ?” asked Merryweather. “Snow ? They are called the Golden Company. How much gold does Stannis have ?” “The Iron Bank will have its due when I say they will. Until such time, the Iron Bank will wait respectfully. Lord Waters, commence the building of your dromonds.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ La banque de fer prend une grande place dans l'arc de Jon dans A Dance With Dragons ; il est aussi intéressant qu'on propose de la neige "Snow" pour payer la Compagnie Dorée, surtout en regardant l'extrait suivant :
__ → “Gold ?” Are those the dragons the red woman means to wake ? Dragons made of gold ?” “Such taxes as we collect are paid in kind, Your Grace. The Watch is rich in turnips but poor in coin.” "Turnips are not like to appease Salladhor Saan. I require gold or silver.” A Dance with Dragons, Jon I
__ Dans les deux cas, on parle d'argent et de moyens de paiement. Snow fait allusion à Jon, et les navets (turnip) rappellent la Garde de Nuit :
__ → "Stannis will need another Hand,” observed Aurane Waters with a chuckle. “The turnip knight, perhaps ?” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ Aurane a aussi besoin d'hommes pour son navire, et dit ceci :
__ → “Our new dromonds will need oarsmen,” said Aurane Waters. “Let us instruct the lords to send their poachers and thieves to me henceforth, instead of to the Wall.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ Aurane devient donc le commandant d'une armée composée de voleurs et de braconniers, volant ces hommes à Jon puisqu'ils étaient censés rejoindre la Garde de Nuit. Aurane est également très centré sur la stratégie militaire, comme l'est Jon avec la défense du Mur :
__ → “Might we discuss the fleet ?” asked Aurane Waters. “Fewer than a dozen of our ships survived the inferno on the Blackwater. We must needs restore our strength at sea.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ Cela dresse un parallèle avec le soucis de Jon des effectifs de la Garde de Nuit, et son aversion pour le gaspillage en vies humaines :
__ → “I never saw a braver knight,” Waters said, “but he turned what could have been a bloodless victory into a slaughter. A thousand men are dead, or near enough to make no matter. Most of them our own. And not just common men, Your Grace, but knights and young lords, the best and the bravest.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei VIII
__ Stannis est à ce moment allié à Jon, et l'homme que cherche Aurane ; il est également souvent mentionné dans une interaction entre Cersei et Aurane - Cersei et les membres de son conseil évoquant Jon dans ce chapitre peut être un autre indice. Aurane évoque également des dragons :
__ → “One last thing, Your Grace,” said Aurane Waters, in an apologetic tone. “I hesitate to take up the council's time with trifles, but there has been some queer talk heard along the docks of late. Sailors from the east. They speak of dragons...” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ Tout comme la ressemblance avec Rhaegar, l'évocation des dragons renvoie à l'héritage Targaryen de Jon. Il y a également les ambitions d'Aurane :
__ → “Rosby's gold would help refresh their coffers, and Rosby's lands and castle could be bestowed upon one of her own as a reward for leal service. Lord Waters, perhaps. Aurane had been hinting at his need for a seat ; his lordship was only an empty honor without one. He had his eye on Dragonstone, Cersei knew, but there he aimed too high.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IX
__ Peyredragon, le siège de la maison Targaryen, encore une allusion à Jon étant le fils de Rhaegar. Avec toutes ces citations, il est clair que le personnage d'Aurane Waters sert à représenter Jon Snow. A présent, nous allons observer les indices sur la théorie Jon le politicien/amant sous couverture qui apparaissent avec Cersei/Aurane.
__ → “I never saw a braver knight,” Waters said, “but he turned what could have been a bloodless victory into a slaughter. A thousand men are dead, or near enough to make no matter. Most of them our own. And not just common men, Your Grace, but knights and young lords, the best and the bravest.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei VIII
__ Stannis est à ce moment allié à Jon, et l'homme que cherche Aurane ; il est également souvent mentionné dans une interaction entre Cersei et Aurane - Cersei et les membres de son conseil évoquant Jon dans ce chapitre peut être un autre indice. Aurane évoque également des dragons :
__ → “One last thing, Your Grace,” said Aurane Waters, in an apologetic tone. “I hesitate to take up the council's time with trifles, but there has been some queer talk heard along the docks of late. Sailors from the east. They speak of dragons...” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ Tout comme la ressemblance avec Rhaegar, l'évocation des dragons renvoie à l'héritage Targaryen de Jon. Il y a également les ambitions d'Aurane :
__ → “Rosby's gold would help refresh their coffers, and Rosby's lands and castle could be bestowed upon one of her own as a reward for leal service. Lord Waters, perhaps. Aurane had been hinting at his need for a seat ; his lordship was only an empty honor without one. He had his eye on Dragonstone, Cersei knew, but there he aimed too high.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IX
__ Peyredragon, le siège de la maison Targaryen, encore une allusion à Jon étant le fils de Rhaegar. Avec toutes ces citations, il est clair que le personnage d'Aurane Waters sert à représenter Jon Snow. A présent, nous allons observer les indices sur la théorie Jon le politicien/amant sous couverture qui apparaissent avec Cersei/Aurane.
___ җ Aurane manipule Cersei pour obtenir quelque chose d'elle
__ Pour commencer, Cersei pense qu'Aurane est attiré par elle, et qu'elle le tient sous contrôle, persuadée que ses charmes le garderont loyal... très certainement ce que se dira Daenerys dans les livres quand elle rencontrera Jon :
__ → She wondered if Waters would shave his beard for her. Though he was ten years her junior, he wanted her ; Cersei could see it in the way he looked at her. Men had been looking at her that way since her breasts began to bud. A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ Cersei prend le parti d'Aurane contre le meilleur conseil de Pycelle. Cela peut faire un parallèle avec dans la saison 7, Daenerys qui se met à écouter Jon au lieu de Tyrion, mais rappelle aussi comment Daenerys a eu dans les livres et la série tendance à se fier aux mauvaises personnes, dont certaines lui voulaient du mal :
__ → At the last session [Pycelle] had complained bitterly about the men that Aurane Waters had chosen to captain her new dromonds. Waters meant to give the ships to younger men, whilst Pycelle argued for experience, insisting that the commands should go to those captains who had survived the fires of the Blackwater. “Seasoned men of proven loyalty,” he called them. Cersei called them old, and sided with Lord Waters. A Feast for Crows, Cersei V
__ On a un indice sur la trahison d'Aurane, qui ne devrait pas être tellement surprenante pour Cersei... et pourtant, ça l'est quand même. Tout comme le sera Daenerys quand Jon la trahira. Ensuite, Aurane évoque les traîtres qui prennent parti pour Stannis - comme lui le fera :
__ → “Whilst we await Lord Walder's death, there is another matter,” said Aurane Waters. “The Golden Company has broken its contract with Myr. Around the docks I've heard men say that Lord Stannis has hired them and is bringing them across the sea.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ Pour commencer, Cersei pense qu'Aurane est attiré par elle, et qu'elle le tient sous contrôle, persuadée que ses charmes le garderont loyal... très certainement ce que se dira Daenerys dans les livres quand elle rencontrera Jon :
__ → She wondered if Waters would shave his beard for her. Though he was ten years her junior, he wanted her ; Cersei could see it in the way he looked at her. Men had been looking at her that way since her breasts began to bud. A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ Cersei prend le parti d'Aurane contre le meilleur conseil de Pycelle. Cela peut faire un parallèle avec dans la saison 7, Daenerys qui se met à écouter Jon au lieu de Tyrion, mais rappelle aussi comment Daenerys a eu dans les livres et la série tendance à se fier aux mauvaises personnes, dont certaines lui voulaient du mal :
__ → At the last session [Pycelle] had complained bitterly about the men that Aurane Waters had chosen to captain her new dromonds. Waters meant to give the ships to younger men, whilst Pycelle argued for experience, insisting that the commands should go to those captains who had survived the fires of the Blackwater. “Seasoned men of proven loyalty,” he called them. Cersei called them old, and sided with Lord Waters. A Feast for Crows, Cersei V
__ On a un indice sur la trahison d'Aurane, qui ne devrait pas être tellement surprenante pour Cersei... et pourtant, ça l'est quand même. Tout comme le sera Daenerys quand Jon la trahira. Ensuite, Aurane évoque les traîtres qui prennent parti pour Stannis - comme lui le fera :
__ → “Whilst we await Lord Walder's death, there is another matter,” said Aurane Waters. “The Golden Company has broken its contract with Myr. Around the docks I've heard men say that Lord Stannis has hired them and is bringing them across the sea.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei IV
__ Ensuite, l'auteur utilise le terme dromond pour parler des navires... un terme intéressant, puisque c'est une allitération du mot dragon. Et en plus, on parle bien de TROIS drag- euh dromonds :
__ → After him Lord Waters arrived, to report that the first three dromonds were nearing completion and beg for more gold to finish them in the splendor they deserved. A Feast for Crows, Cersei V
__ → “What of your new dromonds ?” asked Ser Harys. “The longships of the ironmen cannot stand before our dromonds, surely ? King Robert's Hammer is the mightiest warship in all Westeros.” “She was,” said Waters. “Sweet Cersei will be her equal, once complete, and Lord Tywin will be twice the size of either. Only half are fitted out, however, and none is fully crewed. Even when they are, the numbers would be greatly against us.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei VII
__ Donc les trois dromonds servent à représenter les trois dragons de Daenerys, et Jon sera après les trois dromonds/dragons, car il en aura besoin dans sa guerre. Ce n'est pas tout : Aurane sait comment faire plaisir à Cersei, comme Jon sait ce que Daenerys a envie d'entendre :
__ → Aurane had asked her leave to name her Lord Tywin, which Cersei had been pleased to grant. She looked forward to hearing men speak of her father as a "she.” Another of the ships would be named Sweet Cersei, and would bear a gilded figurehead carved in her likeness, clad in mail and lion helm, with spear in hand. A Feast for Crows, Cersei VI
__ → “Lord Merryweather is right,” said Lord Waters. “If it please Your Grace, I will launch the rest of our new dromonds. The sight of them upon the Blackwater with King Tommen's banner flying from their masts will remind the city who rules here, and keep them safe should the mobs decide to run riot again.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei X
__ → After him Lord Waters arrived, to report that the first three dromonds were nearing completion and beg for more gold to finish them in the splendor they deserved. A Feast for Crows, Cersei V
__ → “What of your new dromonds ?” asked Ser Harys. “The longships of the ironmen cannot stand before our dromonds, surely ? King Robert's Hammer is the mightiest warship in all Westeros.” “She was,” said Waters. “Sweet Cersei will be her equal, once complete, and Lord Tywin will be twice the size of either. Only half are fitted out, however, and none is fully crewed. Even when they are, the numbers would be greatly against us.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei VII
__ Donc les trois dromonds servent à représenter les trois dragons de Daenerys, et Jon sera après les trois dromonds/dragons, car il en aura besoin dans sa guerre. Ce n'est pas tout : Aurane sait comment faire plaisir à Cersei, comme Jon sait ce que Daenerys a envie d'entendre :
__ → Aurane had asked her leave to name her Lord Tywin, which Cersei had been pleased to grant. She looked forward to hearing men speak of her father as a "she.” Another of the ships would be named Sweet Cersei, and would bear a gilded figurehead carved in her likeness, clad in mail and lion helm, with spear in hand. A Feast for Crows, Cersei VI
__ → “Lord Merryweather is right,” said Lord Waters. “If it please Your Grace, I will launch the rest of our new dromonds. The sight of them upon the Blackwater with King Tommen's banner flying from their masts will remind the city who rules here, and keep them safe should the mobs decide to run riot again.” A Feast for Crows, Cersei X

__ Nous avons donc ce bâtard qui pourrait être le fils de Rhaegar, qui sert à de nombreuses reprises à créer une connexion avec l'arc de Jon sur le Mur, qui fait des flatteries à Cersei parce qu'il a besoin de ses trois dromonds, que Cersei envisage de prendre comme amant, et qui finit par trahir Cersei. Encore un des parallèles prémonitoires semé par l'auteur apparemment...
→→ J'avais déjà mentionné dans l'analyse des indices concernant le futur des Stark (article), comment il était important de ne pas s'arrêter à un ou deux points de vue dans les livres : cela permettait, avec cette vue d'ensemble, de repérer de nouveaux indices. En l'occurrence, l'arc de Cersei et Aurane présente des parallèles avec l'arc de Daenerys et Jon dans la saison 7, et peut nous permettre de trouver de nouveaux indices d'une manipulation et d'une trahison venant de Jon... La prochaine partie de cette analyse abordera cette fois des indices venant de l'arc de Tyrion Lannister.
→→ J'avais déjà mentionné dans l'analyse des indices concernant le futur des Stark (article), comment il était important de ne pas s'arrêter à un ou deux points de vue dans les livres : cela permettait, avec cette vue d'ensemble, de repérer de nouveaux indices. En l'occurrence, l'arc de Cersei et Aurane présente des parallèles avec l'arc de Daenerys et Jon dans la saison 7, et peut nous permettre de trouver de nouveaux indices d'une manipulation et d'une trahison venant de Jon... La prochaine partie de cette analyse abordera cette fois des indices venant de l'arc de Tyrion Lannister.
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