lundi 10 décembre 2018

The Dragon and the Wolf

 Saison 7, Episode 7

→ →“I heard gossips... she's a great beauty.
→ →- What does this have to do with anything ?
→ →- Jon is young and unmarried... Daenerys is young and unmarried."
→ →- You think he wants to MARRY her ?”
 Petyr Bealish & Sansa Stark

→ →“You've always known what is right. Even when we were all young and stupid, you always knew. Every step you take... it's always the right step."
→ →- It's not. It may seem that way from the outside, but I promise you, it's not true. I've done plenty of things that I regret.”
 Theon Greyjoy & Jon Snow

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