Saison 6, Episode 9
“They look beautiful and majestic, sitting there with Winterfell in the deep background. [...] Jon stares back at Ramsay. He would kill him this second if he could.” Script de l'épisode
→ →“She's a fine woman, your sister. I look forward to having her back in my bed.” Ramsay Bolton

→ →“If Ramsay wins... I'm not going back there alive. Do you understand me ?
→ →- I won't ever let him touch you again. I'll protect you, I promise.
→ →- No one can protect me. No one can protect anyone.” Sansa Stark & Jon Snow
→ →“If I do... if I fall... Don't bring me back.” Jon Snow
→ →- I won't ever let him touch you again. I'll protect you, I promise.
→ →- No one can protect me. No one can protect anyone.” Sansa Stark & Jon Snow
→ →“If I do... if I fall... Don't bring me back.” Jon Snow
“Sansa makes one thing clear: should Ramsay win, she will not go back to him alive. Disturbed by his conversation with Sansa, Jon tells Melisandre she is not to bring him back should he fall in battle. The priestess denies his request, reminding him that she serves the Lord of Light, not him.” Script de l'épisode
“Never really seen Jon give up on anyone or anything and that was the difference in this battle and the difference for me after come back to life was: what if he just stopped? What if the fatigue gets to him? And the first moment we found that was when the crush start happening and he just slows down and he's lying on the ground and it's that thing of finding peace for a moment 'I could just stay here, I could let it all end. And then something drives him to fight up.” Commentaires par Kit Harington

“Even from this distance, Sansa knows who she's watching. The situation does not look good to her.” [...] Jon stands over Ramsay and beats down on him with the shield, opening his forehead, breaking his nose, and his ribs.Ramsay makes a feeble attempt to rise, but Jon is on top of him before he can, pummeling his head with fists and forearms. He has every intention of methodically beating Ramsay to death. But Sansa, Littlefinger and Davos arrive through the broken gate. Hearing their horses, Jon turns to see them. He doesn't care about Davos or Littlefinger in this moment. He only looks at Sansa.” Script de l'épisode

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